Emotion Energy Revive
Get informed
The first time I heard the term "life coach," I said, "Come on!" ... and became one!
As with many other new professions and things in life, we create resistance because it is unknown and foreign to us. Secondly, many "colleagues" have created an unpopular opinion about the profession of professional coach with their unprofessional work. Even today, you can find the various advertisements in which various "gurus" offer their two-hour online trainings and advise that the coaching profession does not require education and certification.
As professional coaches, we encounter various things ... sometimes they can be very severe traumas that a person has survived - we work with memories, emotions, the human psyche. As a professional coach, we need to be aware of how our work can affect our client and be sure that we will not do harm to our client. Also, we need to recognize when the state of our client exceed our competencies. All this cannot be learned in a two-hour online training.
Whether you give your trust to me or continue to search for another professional coach, ask him to show you how he/she gained his knowledge.
1. Look at my certificates to make sure of my credibility.
2. See the opinions of clients who have used my services.
3. Find out exactly what professional coaching is and what to expect.
Thank you for your trust and time to get informed!